Country of citizenship: United States of America
Highest Grade: GS-810-13, 06/1984 – retirement Sept. 30, 2005
AVAILABILITY Work Schedule: Full or Part Time
On September 30, 2005, I accepted a buyout and an early retirement from the Federal government.
US Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration
Washington, DC US 5/2004 – 9/2005
Grade Level: GS13
Salary: $97,213 US Per Year
Management Analyst
As a result of a reorganization of the Economic Development Administration's (EDA) Headquarters', all of EDA's HQ civil engineering positions were eliminated in Washington, DC. In order to continue my employment with EDA in Washington, DC, I agreed to accept a Management Analyst position.
Upon my return to EDA HQ from my 18-month-long detail in the Grants.Gov Initiative's Program Management Office, I became EDA's Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program Manager, EDA's Health and Safety Officer, EDA's Travel Card Program Coordinator, EDA's Purchase Card Program Group Administrator, and a Contracting Officer's Representative.
I was also EDA's representative to the Department of Commerce's (DOC's) Interagency Agreements Workgroup, the DOC's eTravel Implementation Committee and the DOC’s Strategic Acquisition Management System Implementation Committee. This system is used to streamline the DOC bureaus' annual Advanced Acquisition Plans.
As EDA's COOP Program Manager, I was a member of the DOC's COOP Working Group. Within 6 months of accepting this position, I revised EDA's entire COOP Plan to reflect the entire EDA HQ reorganization, and the resulting departure of 40 percent of EDA's HQ staff. The revised version of EDA's COOP Plan also incorporated the new government-wide requirements detailed in Federal Preparedness Circular #65, which was issued in June 2004. During my first couple of weeks working in this new position I was involved in the government-wide Forward Challenge 2004 Exercise. During June 2005, I participated in the government-wide Operation Pinnacle. In July 2005, on the day of the London, England, terrorists’ bombings, I was the only EDA employee deployed to an alternate (COOP) facility after the alert status level was increased by the US Department of Homeland Security.
I was also a member of the DOC’s Safety and Health Working Group. Within 6 months of accepting this new position I was involved with an Office of Inspector General audit of EDA's Emergency Preparedness Procedures, etc.
As EDA's Travel Card Program Coordinator, I prepared monthly reports to review the usage and payment records of all of EDA's employees nation-wide that were issued and utilizing government travel cards. I submitted monthly reports to my supervisor, EDA's Chief Financial Officer, and quarterly reports to the DOC’s Travel Division, and these reports were subsequently incorporated into the DOC's quarterly reports to the U. S. Office of Management and Budget. I contacted EDA employees who were delinquent to remind them of their payment requirements and responsibilities.
As EDA's Purchase Card Program Group Administrator, I reviewed government purchase card transactions made by all of EDA's employees nation-wide that utilized government purchase cards and prepared reports of my analysis. As a purchase card holder, I reconciled my EDA HQ transactions, as well as reviewed the accounts of all EDA purchase card holders to ensure that they were reconciling their transactions in accordance with Federal and Departmental rules and regulations.
As a government purchase card holder, I made many purchases on behalf of the government for both supplies and services. Some of these acquisitions included the development of statements of work and statements of objectives. I coordinated my efforts with the EDA officials requesting the services, and then seek out qualified businesses who could meet EDA’s requirements. Dependent upon the terms and conditions of the final agreement/contract, I would either use my government purchase card to pay for the supplies and/or services, or arrange for the DOC’s department-wide Acquisition Division to provide for the related payments. I would then monitor the contract through completion, final payment and closeout.
Grants.Gov Initiative Program Management Office
DHHS HQ, 200 Independence Avenue, SW 11/2002 - 5/2004
Washington, DC Grade Level: GS-13
Salary: $93,742/Year,
Civil Engineer
In November of 2002, I was detailed full-time to the inter-agency E-Grants (since re-branded as Grants.Gov) Initiative's Program Management Office (PMO) as the DOC's representative. The PMO was established in response to one of President Bush’s so-called E-Gov Initiatives. I worked with a group of detailees from 7 Federal Departments in the PMO, and we worked as a team to encourage the 26 Federal Departments that distribute more than $360,000,000,000 annually in grants and cooperative agreements to support the Grants.Gov Initiative's vision and goals as promoted by the President's Management Agenda and Public Law 106-107, which directs Federal agencies to work together and streamline the government's numerous grants management processes.
In May 2003, at the invitation of the Grants.Gov Initiative's Program Director, I agreed to extend my 6-month detail to the Initiative’s PMO for an additional 6 months, as the DOC representative.
At the time I was also serving as a member of the DOC's agency-level grants program management working group, along with members from other DOC bureaus including NOAA, NIST, EDA, NTIA, MBDA, ITA, and the DOC administration. I coordinated the DOC's efforts to fully participate in the Grants.Gov Initiative's "Test of the Edges", the Grants.Gov prototype, and the subsequent E-Apply pilots, down to the DOC bureau level. I coordinated the DOC's involvement in the Grants.Gov E-Apply pilot which included 8 DOC grant programs out of only 60 grant programs government-wide participating in the pilot, out of a government-wide total of more than 1,000 grant programs. Only two Federal Departments had more grant application packages (programs) participating in the pilot than did the DOC.
In the request to extend my detail, the Grants.Gov Program Director stated that "Tom Murphy brings significant experience with DOC/EDA grants' processes and systems. In addition, he was a member of the DOC's intra-agency E-Grants Work Group, formerly known as the Electronic Grants Affinity Group. Mr. Murphy's experience as a civil engineer will provide the E-Grants Initiative with construction grants related experience that is outside the scope of many E-Grants partners."
While detailed to the Grants.Gov PMO, I led the outreach effort to small Federal grant-making agencies, including the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Delta Regional Authority, and the Denali Commission, to name a few. I also established relationships with various interested organizations, including the National Association of Regional Councils...
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