Washington State University Tri-cities, Richland WA; Master’s candidate in Environmental Engineering: 01/2010-Present; Expected graduation date: August 2011
Physicochemical Water and Wastewater Treatment: Studied the theory and practice of designing physical, chemical, and physicochemical processes engaged in treat polluted water and wastewater.
Hazardous waste treatment: Learned the theory, selection and design of processes for the effective treatment of hazardous chemicals found in the environment.
Biochemical Wastewater Treatment: Learned the theory practice of designing biological and chemical water and wastewater treatment.
Geotechnical Engineering: Studied structure, index properties, and classification of soils; Compaction; effective stress; seepage; consolidation and shear strength.
Advanced Topics in Environmental Engineering Practice: Studied the design and Analysis of Final Covers, Leachate Collection Systems, and Liners of Landfills.
Learned the flow and contaminant transport modeling in the subsurface. As well as the various aspects of site characterization, remediation, and monitoring.
Aquatic system restoration: Studied natural and damaged water systems (lakes, reservoirs, stream and rivers) with emphasis on water quality and habitat protection and restoration.
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, June 2004, Al-Mustansreah University, Baghdad- Iraq, Highway and Transportation
ECC 2005-2007:
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