

Position Desired

Biomedical Engineering
Boston, MA


Obtain full time position in the Biomedical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering or Medical Device field

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA Graduated: May, 2011
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering
Millbury High School, Millbury, MA Graduated: June, 2006

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Major Qualifying Project: (August 2009 – May 2010)
Project member in a group of three collaborating with the Biomedical Engineering Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and SECUROS Incorporated, that aimed to design an easily implantable and manufacturable, device to alleviate the effects caused by lumbosacral stenosis contracted by military working canines.
Following research of the preexisting devices, as well as meetings and interviews with many experts in the biomechanical field, the group found that the current fixation devices, once implanted, limited canine spinal range of motion. The group continued on to follow a concept model that would be able to withstand the desired loads while allowing for a full range of canine spinal motion.
Preliminary designs were created using the software program Solidworks. Finite element analysis of the devices was conducted to test for material strength and mechanical abilities. Following these tests and collaboration with experts in the field, the group came to the decision to make the device out of stainless steel and titanium alloys. Two Solidworks designed countersunk endplates were created for separate lumbar and sacral vertebral fixation using cortical screws. A commercially available spring was analyzed to ensure the spring specifications could handle the device load requirements. After approval of the technical analysis of the spring, it was then welded to the endplates to complete the final assembly.
Mechanical properties were tested in Solidworks, along with an Instron testing machine to determine that the final could successfully withstand the determined load of 200 Newtons, while displacing at least 2 millimeters.
Project advisors commended the device and awarded the group with an “A”. The group presented to the biomedical engineering faculty and complemented the project as one of the top major qualifying projects.
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Biomedical Engineering
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