
Athens, GA

Position Desired

Environmental Engineering
Anywhere in the U.S.



The University of Georgia
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering
Graduation Date: December 2012
GPA: 3.90


• AutoCAD Civil 3D
• ArcGIS
• Bentley Water and Wastewater Network Analysis and Design Software
• Intermediate Spanish


Texas A&M University/The Soltis Center for Research and Education College Station, Texas/Costa RicaJune 2012 - August 2012
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Planned and implemented a research project under the guidance of faculty mentors from Texas A&M University. Conducted
field research in a Costa Rican pre-montane transitional cloud forest where duties included designing and implementing
stemflow collectors, installing sapflow sensors, troubleshooting data loggers, and assisting in the construction of a V-notch
weir. Analyzed stemflow data using excel and MATLAB to create a research poster that was presented at a poster session.

National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. May 2011- August 2011
Office of Polar Programs Engineering Internship
Worked as an intern in the Office of Polar Programs. Reviewed and analyzed the scientific literature on sustainable waste
management methods and applied the findings to the U.S. Antarctic Program. Wrote a research paper to report findings.


Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Spring 2011
Topics included the study and calculation of air emissions, renewable energy, environmental impacts of materials use and
processing, and life cycle analyses.

Urban Systems Fall 2011
Application of green engineering design principles to water and wastewater treatment, solid waste management, and air
quality control.

Senior Design Studio Fall 2011 and Spring 2012
Yearlong project involved the design of a stormwater management system for a local zoo that was experiencing flooding and
erosion problems. Used AutoCAD Civil 3D to create a topographic map of the area from surveying data and design a
detention pond for the calculated peak disch...

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