
salt lake city, UT

Position Desired

Software Engineering
salt lake city, UT


[Career Objectives]

My career objective is to achieve excellent recognition as a Senior
Software Engineer/Developer and to produce outcomes that require
innovative discovery and development.


* Data Visualization – InteractiveDataViz, BioMedViz –Java in Mac& Win
 CSJL Solutions, Perth, Western Australia
 School of Computer Science at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
 Mar 2011 ~ Present
- Role: Senior Software Developer and Technical Supervisor for all
aspects of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
- Purpose: Developing data visualization application programs in
Java and Processing tool for presenting a variety of highdimensional
data sets for different application areas.
- Technical details: Developed in Java and Processing to visualize
various data sets for each application area. High-dimensional data
sets shown in many different formats to visualize its statistics,
structures using Gaussian clusters, dependencies or similarities, IO
mapping, and so on.

* Search and Rescue Android mobile application – Java in Windows
 School of Computer Science at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
 Aug ~ Dec 2011
- Role: Technical Supervisor for all aspects of Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC). Mobile application development for Western
Australia Police Dept.
- Award: Won the final competition in tertiary education category in
WAiTTA (Western Australian Information Technology and
Telecommunication Awards) in March 2012. Nominated as the
Western Australia’s entry for tertiary education category for the
iAward (Australian National Award) 2012.
- Purpose: Developing an Android mobile app for the Western
Australian Police Dept. for cases when people are in emergency
situation and need for the rescue in the remote areas.
- Technical details: Developed in Java on Android mobile platform
using Google’s APIs on HTC Desire mobile devices. Functionalities
provided are 1) sending the GPS information to the Police system
and stored contacts (In-Caseof-Emergency), 2) red-light flashing
screen that can be detected by the NightVision goggle and FLIR
thermal camera from the Police helicopters, 3) displaying the current
GPS location using the Google map interface, and 4) providing
survival tips in many categories (shelter, food, water, etc.)

* MAGIC International Robotics Competition – C++ in Windows
 CSJL Solutions, Perth, Western Australia
 School of Computer Science at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
 Aug ~ Nov 2010
- Description: Multi-Autonomous Ground-robotic International
Challenge (MAGIC 2010) hosted by Defence Science and
Technology Organization (DSTO), Australia and Defence Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), USA in 2010.
- Role: Senior Software Developer for path-planning, navigation, and
obstacle detection approaches. Refer to
- Award: Our team, MAGICian won the 4th in the final competition in
Adelaide, South Australia in November 2012 among 6 finalists and
initial 23 international entries.
- Purpose: Building a group of mobile robots with on-board
intelligence with a full autonomy to explore, navigate, detect and
avoid obstacles, and perform the given navigation tasks in a variety
of static and dynamic environments.
- Technical details: [HWs] 7 Pioneer3AT out-door mobile robots
equipped with SICK® LMS laser scanner (horizontal sensing),
Hokuyo laser sensor (vertical sensing), IBeo laser sensor (sensing
for moving objects), GPS, IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit),
cameras, pico-station for wireless communication via the mesh
network, and others. [SWs] Developed in C++ for the hybrid A*pathplanning
approaches, navigation algorithms, and obstacle detection
algorithms for ditches and stairs. A number of open source
packages are utilized, such as MRPT (an open source-based
Mobile Robotic Programming Toolkit), OpenCV (for image
processing techniques), wxWidget libraries, and RTI DDS (Data
Distribution Service) package, and others in an IDE, Microsoft
VisualStudio 2008 on Windows platform.

* On-Site Assets Management mobile application – C# in Windows
 CSJL Solutions, Perth, Western Australia
 Jan ~ May 2010
- Description: On-site assets management mobile application
development as a sub contractor for a mining company, BHP in
Western Australia. Refer to Waste Free Tracking & Management
System (
- Role: Senior Software Developer for designing and building a
mobile app prototype using C# in .NET CF (CompactForm) 6.5, MS
SQL CF 3.5 in Microsoft VisualStudio 2008 on Windows platform.
- Purpose: Developing SQL database and client-server based
system for assets management in remote mining areas where
workers are assigned automatically on a daily basis to a number of
different assets to work with, e.g.) chemical products, vehicles,
locations of departments, and so on.
- Technical details: Developed in C# using CF 6.5 for mobile
development, SQL CF 3.5 for database for mobile devices in .NET
platform with an IDE, VisualStudio 2008 on Microsoft Windows. The
Intermec® CN4 mobile devices are used for development and

* Alzheimer Disease Research Project - C & C++ in Windows
 CSJL Solutions, Perth, Western Australia
 Sept ~ Dec 2009
- Description: Academic Bio-Informatics Research Project for
building an intelligent decision-making system for prediction on
Alzheimer Disease data.
- Role: Senior Software Developer for designing and building an
intelligent decision-making system for data analysis, classification,
and prediction on Alzheimer Disease data.
- Purpose: Developing a hybrid AI (Artificial Intelligence) system to
automatically analyse the given medical data, reduce data into a
compact form, construct an optimized systematic sub components
of the adaptive fuzzy systems, evaluate system performance, and to
predict a new medical unseen data to classify the diagnostic results.
- Technical details: Based on the proposed system in my PhD
thesis, this system has been developed in C & C++ for building
static (.lib), dynamic libraries (.dll), dialog-based decision-making
application executable programs for simulation with an IDE,
VisualStudio 2008 on Microsoft Windows. The given Alzheimer data
set are provided by groups between universities and medical
research institutes in California, USA. This research has been
performed in collaboration with School of Computer Science, Edith
Cowan University and the Alzheimer Institute in Perth, Western

* 2D Barcode mobile application - C# in Windo...

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