Objective: Seeking a Computer Engineering Position
Education: San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
BS in Computer Engineering, 12/2012
Current GPA: 3.85/4.0
Related Coursework
Digital Design I, II, and III, FPGA circuit design using Verilog, Computer Networking I and II, Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, Linux Posix Socket Programming, Embedded Systems and Micro architecture, Technical Writing, Mobile Software Engineering, Computer Architecture and Design
Skills: C, C++, JAVA, SQL, MIPS, Intel x86, XML, Android programming, Python
Projects: Pipelined MIPS Processor, Spring 2012
• Functional Design and Verification using Verilog and FPGA Board
• Using Xilinx Design Tools
• Supported multiple instructions and hazard detection
MP3 Player, Spring 2012
• Uses ARM7 LPC 2148 microcontroller board
• Setup of UART, SPI, and I2C Drivers
• Can play, pause, skip tracks, provides volume control
Self Drive Car, Spring 2012
• Uses ARM7 LPC 2148 microcontroller board
• Uses PWM, ADC and I2C Drivers
• Avoids obstacles, controls speed according to distance from obstacle
Distance Learning Education System using POSIX Socket programming, Fall 2011
• Assumed lead role on a team of three
• Based on 4.4 BSD sockets
• Concurrent, Multiprocessing implementation for server over TCP-Handles Multiple Clients at a time
• Uses MySQL database and file handling
• Ability to upload and download content
Programming in C++, Spring 2011
• Created a benchmark program to compare effectiveness of different sorting and hashing methods when applied to data of stock prices
• Created program for calculating routing table using Floyd Warshall algorithm
• Created bookstore management program using MySQL Database
Android Shopping Mobile Application, Spring 2012
• Android App...
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