Product Development • Research • Problem Solving • Goal Oriented
Extensive experience in optoelectronic, research and development. Expert at analyzing and solving complex problems. Self-motivated professional who always exceeds expectations. Comfortable working independently, or as part of a team.
• Photonic and electronic device design and simulation.
• Experimental test design.
• Measurement and data collection automation with LabView.
• Simulation and data analysis with Mathcad & Microsoft Excel.
• Photonic device testing including photoluminescence, electroluminescence, quantum efficiency, detection efficiency.
• Electronic device testing including IV & CV characterization of diodes, photodiodes and transistors.
• Semiconductor fabrication including photolithography & mask design, metal and dielectric deposition, selective and non selective wet & dry etching, contact schemes for ohmic and schottky contacts, device packaging.
Senior Research Scientist
Lightspin Technologies Inc, New Haven, CT.
February 2002 to Present
• Developed highly sensitive micro bolometer devices for thermal imaging applications, leading to $100000 development contract from DARPA.
• Developed new technique for wet etching and passivation of the surface of compound semiconductor devices, leading to patent application.
• Chief scientist for $500000 holographic modulator development. Regularly exceeded milestones and completed project on time and within budget.
• Developed phototransistor detector for laser Doppler vibrometry applications. Contract delivered on time and within budget.
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