K. Jeffrey Glenn
13562 Penfield Point, San Diego CA 92130
(858) 481-7388 or (949) 212-9439
¡ñ A challenging position in engineering/management working closely with staff, management, contractors and regulatory personnel.
¡ñ BS and MS Petroleum/Environmental Engineering w/ 3.0 and 3.8 GPA.
¡ñ 10+ years of air quality experience including: NSR/NSPS, MACT/NESHAP, Title V, Criteria and HAP Inventories, with focus on operational economics and flexibility primarily focused on E&P, midstream and Air Force sectors.
¡ñ Broad environmental familiarity including, CAA, NEPA, EPCRA, RCRA, with experience in Texas and California.
¡ñ 7+ years of data acquisition/control and oil and gas operations experience.
¡ñ 1.5 years EH&S manager experience w/ NEPA, CEQA, OSHA, RWQCB, NFPA, SCAQMD, CUPA, DTSC, ESA, Bio Hazardous and DOT compliance.
CGV Properties, Property Manager & Recovery from Burns 6/2006 - 6/2012
¡ñ Renovated and sold home, purchased and renovated income property, managed and renovated residential and commercial properties for family, assisted family with divorce, financial and health issues, recovered from 3rd degree burns.
EH&S Manager, Wyle Labs, San Bernardino CA 1/2005 - 5/2012
¡ñ Determined requirements of CUPA, SBCFD, OSHA, LACWD, SCAQMD, SBIAA, and others to codify clear and concise regulatory submittals and secure permits with reasonable conditions. Requirements encompassed existing operations (climatic and dynamic testing) as well as proposed construction of rocket test stand and high-pressure steam test pad. (Air, water, waste, fire, haz-mat and safety, authorizations)
¡ñ Negotiated air permits for rocket test pad and HTHP research steam generator, limited emissions through fuel usage, SCR and Oxygen injection system.
¡ñ Drafted HMBP for CUPA and IIPP for OSHA, as well as site safety policies and procedures and training modules.
¡ñ Arranged for OSHA pressure vessel permits through liability carrier and non-destructive test vendor. Ensured cryogenic and pressure vessels were outfitted with new or refurbished PRD¡¯s as required.
¡ñ Provided and procured safety and endangered species (kangaroo rat) training on an ongoing basis.
¡ñ Drafted an annual and periodic requirement calendar to aid planning, budget, time allocation and ensure compliance.
Consulting Engineer, CH2M-Hill, Edwards AFB CA 1/2004 - 9/2004
¡ñ Reviewed paint booths, turbine test stands, generator packages, landfill, etc., for compliance with MACT/NESHAP, Title V, local permits and prohibitory rules.
¡ñ Recommended process and permit modifications to reflect operational and economic realities for Aircraft paint booths and GAC (carbon) regeneration system including:
¡ñ shutdown of hot air activated GAC regeneration system saving $30k annually,
¡ñ sampling/analytical plan in lieu of FID/CEM system saving $15k annually,
¡ñ EPA Method 319 filter certification in lieu of HEPA saving $30k annually, and
proposed removal of other overly restrictive permit language.
¡ñ Commented on fugitive dust rule resulting in a facility wide exemption for Edwards AFB.
¡ñ Reviewed all local rules and proposed several amendments as a long term, proactive solution to overly restrictive or unclear language.
¡ñ Secured minor permits and requested written guidance from District engineers.
Consulting Engineer/Contractor, Austin TX 1/2001- 1/2004
¡ñ Performed air permitting, reporting and compliance activities for oil and gas clients.
¡ñ PTE and major source applicability reevaluation.
¡ñ Submitted annual inventories, permit by rule applications, NSPS/NESHAP analysis, maintenance/upset reports and evaluated Title V submittals for future updates.
¡ñ Equipment at these sites comprised glycol dehydration and sulfur recovery units, compression and NGL facilities.
Air Permit Engineer, TSI/McClellan AFB, Sacramento CA 1/1999 - 9/2000
¡ñ Lead engineer for Title V update, supervised primary contractor.
¡ñ Primary point of contact for Aerospace NESHAP issues.
¡ñ Permitted chip manufacturing and aircraft decal facilities.
¡ñ Completed base wide air compliance survey.
¡ñ Evaluated permit applications for cancellation/reuse and applied for emission reduction credits.
Environmental Engineer, (TCEQ), Austin TX, 8/1994 ¨C 8/1998
¡ñ Inspected air emission calculations submitted by chemical, refining, E&P, utility, wood product, coating and metal fabricating industries for accuracy. Ensured the utilization of appropriate methodologies and input data. Informed industrial clients of better ways to utilize available data and kept them abreast of changes in estimation techniques.
¡ñ Lead technical specialist in upstream and midstream sectors.
¡ñ Assisted industrial clients with air permit calculations. Interfaced with modelers and permit representatives to assist with data collection ...
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