
Lafayette, IN

Position Desired

Aerospace Engineering
Anywhere in the U.S.


1702 Ferry Street, Lafayette, IN 47901

OBJECTIVE: To secure a full time entry level position in Aero/mechanical Engineering discipline preferably in Avionics Controls, Certification, and Automotive Controls.
Status in the US: Permanent Resident (Green Card Holder)

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering 2010, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Concentration: Dynamics and Control.
Minor in Aeronautical Avionics Technology

Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw Poland, 2006
Aeronautical Engineering and Avionics and Air data Systems


Wabash National (Lafayette, IN)
Associate Technician August 2010 – June 2012
Worked on manufacturing and installation of axle Bogie trailer transportation systems. Testing axle Bogie inflation systems, Troubleshooting Electronic Test Systems to sure it conforms to set guidelines. Checking Axle Bogie for alignment before it leaves the line.

Maurice J. Zucro Laboratory Research Assistant Jan 2009-May 2009
Project: Took and analyzed data research into Thermal Computational Fluid Dynamics which was a GMC funded project. The Project was aimed at developing new solid, hybrid, and liquid propellants building on recent advances in nano scale material technologies and hydrogen rich compounds. One such propellant is a mixture of nano scale aluminum and water.

American School of Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland)
Private Substitute Mathematics Tutor Sep 2002 – May 2006
Mathematics tutor to Elementary and High School students in and around Warsaw, Poland.

Polish Airlines, Warsaw-Poland
Avionics systems Intern Jan 2003-may 2004
Navigation systems and flight planning procedure Observed how flight plan is processed ahead of a flight in Europe or long haul flights across the Atlantic. Took Avionic systems course which entailed Landing Aids like ILS,MLS,GPS,WAAS,LAAS,VOR,NDB, Fly By Wire.
• Helped service and observed navigation and avionics systems related systems for the maintenance division.

• Took readings from air data systems computers

• Worked on jet engines maintenance, helped write and keep report on engines performance pertaining to flight hours.

• Worked on Certification of flights and engine systems.

Research and Related Course Work at Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw Poland

• Wrote a paper on use of air data computers to calculate flight parameters like Pressure, Temperature, Mach number via Pitot, static tubes which is sent to ADC by transducer.

• Wrote a paper on Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) which is a transponder base radio navigation system to measure slant range distance by timing the propagation delayed VHF radio signals. DME is use to determine aircraft distance from land based transponder (TACAN for Military).
o .
o Wrote a program on calculating the position of a GPS receiver with aid of Kalman filter with initial position known.

• Heading Systems like Gyroscopes (Both mechanical and digital),Accelerometers.

• Inertial Navigation System.

• Machine Design and manufacturing, Casting, welding, tooling, software relating to Machine Design namely Unigraphics, Catia.
Machine Design Work
Took courses in machine design theory, fatigue and fracture analysis, simulation machine parts with the aid of Unigraphics CAD software. Diesel engine design, engine cycles. Experience in FMEA and Pugh Metrics design procedures to effect design concepts.

• 1 years of experience of developing plans to validate diesel engines including FMEA based process

Computational Tools: MATLAB, C/C++, FORTRAN, Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Pascal
Design Tools: AutoCAD, Simulink, Python, UG5 (Beginner), Catia (Beginner),

Languages: English, Polish
Research and Related Course Work at Purdue University
Design Project 1. Detailed study of Design concepts with emphases on FMEA and Pugh Matrix design procedures to effect design concepts. Product Development Processes, Concept stage, Development stage, Production stage, Utilization and support stage, Retirement stage, Reliability and safety Analysis, Cost Analysis, Advance Concept in Financial Analysis.
Project 2. Optimization In Aerospace Engineering
Wrote a paper on Engineering Optimization of Population using Lotka-Voltera Model using engineering control laws. Introduced a controller to minimized the growth of one specie in relation to another...

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