OBJECTIVE To obtain a summer internship/co-op program in the field of structural engineering
M.S in Structural Engineering, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ GPA 4.0/4.0 May2014
Relevant Courses: Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, Advanced Structural Design, Theory of Indeterminate Structures,
Design for lateral loads, Advanced Structural Analysis, BIM.
B.S in Civil Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India May2011
B.S Project: Comparative Study of “Flat Slab, Beam &Slab, Grid Slab”
Designed and performed a comparative cost analysis on different slab systems (Conventional Slab Systems, Flat Slab Systems and Grid Slab systems) as the final year project, which was awarded the best project award.
MyHome Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad June 2011-2012
•Responsible for modelling, analysis, design of structures using STAAD Pro/ ETABS/SAFE/SPREADSHEETS.
•Prepared the design basis report and cost estimation of the structures.
Myhome Abhra Residential Complex,(basement + ground + 18 floors) Hyderabad
•Analysed and designed a multi story residential building (18 floors) for DL, LL, Wind & Earthquake loading using STAAD Pro and ETABS.
•Prepared a design basis report and a complete set of drawings for the approval of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.
Check Calculations of Cancer Treatment Vault Support Structure, Hyderabad
•Assisted in the analysis for investigating the cracks developed in the slab of a cancer treatment vault for different load conditions.
•Created a STAAD model which was used for the analysis and was part of the team which discussed and finalized the report.
Choice Infra Commercial complex (basement + ground + 5 upper floors), Hyderabad
•Analysed, designed and super...
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