2045 E 84TH STREET
Seeking a position in a progressive organization where my professional skills can contribute to make a change in the organization with emphasis on continuous improvement.
Master Degree-Purdue University 2009-2010
Major: Industrial Engineering Technology (GPA 4.0)
Bachelor Degree- North south University 2001-2006
Major: Finance & Accounting and Human Resource Management (GPA 3.7)
Honor: Magna Cum Laude
Area of Interest
Lean Six Sigma Methodologies, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Statistical Process Control, Financial Analysis, Design of Experiments and Total Quality Management.
Work Experience
o Point Medical Corporation June 2011-Present
(An OEM silicone medical device manufacturer)
Process Engineer
• Project owner
o Minimize scrap rate of raw material-using DMAIC methodology minimize the % of scrap caused by expired material. Perform Pareto analysis to identify the critical few from the trivial many with high scrap rate –Conduct root cause analysis--Implemented an inventory tracking system for current inventory level to identify the compound materials that are expiring and make them usable.
o Process efficiency of Cryogenic Deflashing Method-Baseline data was obtained on process flow, efficiencies, space utilization, labor cost and sanitation scores by conducting time motion studies at the location -- Developed current state process map --Performed FMEA, Pareto and DOE to analyze the current state and scope of improvement – Eliminated non-value added tasks from the process-developed future state process map and implemented the improvement-developed standard operating procedure for sustainability
o Lean/5S workplace to reduce waste-Implemented an improved and efficient process flow and workplace layout -- Improved bottom line through waste minimization and cost reduction -- Developed training manual for workplace management -- Trained employees on 5S for standardization -- Elevated employee satisfaction through efficient process -- Modified performance management for sustainability
o Tensile strength improvement of stents & catheters- Ran DOE to find out the best combination of set-up parameters to improve the tensile strength of number of stent product lines which in return reduced scrap rate and improved bottom line. Eliminated and optimized the process flow of catheter product line to minimize labor cost, improved process output and bottom line.
• Quality improvement initiative & Process Nonconformance -
o Work with Quality and Production team to provide end to end continuous quality improvement and lean process flow
o Conduct root cause analysis for any process and quality non conformances by applying Six Sigma techniques (fishbone, 5 Whys) followed by corrective action plan
o Review, address and process change request for product/process discrepancies
o Participate in the design, development, implementation and monitoring of quality programs
• Coordinate with Research & development team
o Provide guidance to Research & Development teams in terms of developing standardized product for efficient process technologies
o Process engineering expert to liaison among process, R&D and production teams to lean process and product flow
• Team Lead for Mexico Transfer Project-
o Assign tasks to all the team members
o Conduct FMEA for products to be transferred and come up with process validation by ensuring and addressing different set-up parameters
o Create and update routers
o Create, update and validate tooling and fixture documentation
o Prepare Standard Operating procedure for different manufacturing processes
• Improved and Standardized process documentation- Categorize manufactured parts (using MRP) with similar set-ups and make a product family-Consolidate and obsoleted the redundant set-up sheet resulted in a reduction of 73% of resources- Created and maintain a master database for all the parts that goes under deflashing process
• Initiate Process Improvement projects- Monitor different processes and identify areas to improve --Perform feasibility studies/ROI calculations on projects -- Consult and work with management in identifying process improvement opportunities--Develop, evaluate and improve manufacturing tactics by applying DMAIC methodology and statistical tools
• Standardize technical documentation-Develop Standard Operating Procedures, sanitation schedule, tracking sheet and training manuals for deflashing, printing and post-cure processes for sustainability and continuous improvement.
• Perform Process validation-Perform and standardize process validation, monitor preventative maintenance and equipment calibration
• Implemented Inventory Control system-Developed a proper inventory control system and ordering procedure of raw material by applying Kaizen technique
o Strack & VanTil’s May 2010-May 2011
(A major retail chain with over 33 different store location in Illinois and Indian)
Lean Six Sigma & Process Improvement Analyst
• Process flow layout and employee productivity improvement to enhance bottom-line, employee efficiency and customer satisfaction-Developed process flow chart and tracked the current process by shadowing in a project team-- Baseline data was obtained on process flow, efficiencies, space utilization, labor cost and sanitation scores for the department by conducting time motion studies at the location -- Performed statistical analysis to analyze the current state and scope of improvement -- Maximized efficient use of space, work flow and resource utilization and developed Time Standard by using the analyzed data --performed cost benefit analysis of adding two additional store locations to be serviced by the department – Developed sanitation schedule, training manuals and Standard Operating Procedures for the new process for sustainability and continuous improvement.
• Time Study Analysis of Meat Cutting Process-Identified the meat cutting and packaging process in two sample locations-Observe the current process to collect the baseline data – Calculate the actual cost of meat processing at a store level- Perform cost benefit analysis to determine the option of purchasing case ready meat or in-house processing.
• Efficient workplace and standardize task time for improving night crew productivity-Mapped current process in two sample locations-- Baseline data was obtained on work flow efficiencies, space utilization and labor cost and analyzed to evaluate the current state and scope of improvement – Developing time standard to maximize employee productivity and minimize labor cost-- Developing training manual and Standard Operating Procedures for the new process as part of standardization.
• Lean/5s workplace to reduce waste and implement inventory control system-
Implemented an improved and e...
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