2013 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina
Dissertation: Three-dimensional evolution of mechanical percolation in nanocomposites with random microstructures
Advisor: Dr. Sarah C. Baxter
2009-2010 Purdue University, School of Engineering Education
Emphasis: Engineering design as hands on experiences; cognitive flexibility; research in how engineering is best taught, learned, and practiced.
Advisor: Dr. Robin S. Adams
2009 M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina
Thesis: An investigation of mechanical engineering experimental design processes
Advisor: Dr. Jed S. Lyons
2007 B.S., Engineering Management, Manufacturing Specialty, Miami University
Research Experience
University of South Carolina
2011-present Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering
NSF Funded Research
Micromechanics computer modeling focusing on nanocomposites mechanical percolation. Developed computer code and compiled data to draw significant conclusions with regards to low volume fraction nanocomposites.
2007-2008 Researcher/Data Analyst, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Compiled and analyzed data from K-12 student’s perceptions of scientists and engineers. Presented findings at the 2008 American Society of Engineering Education Conference.
2008 Graduate Research Assistant/Participant, College of Education and Department of Mechanical Engineering, NSF-Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering Project. Investigated the research and teaching skill development of graduate students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Interviewed professors and students and compiled data from GK-12 students
2007 Participant Observer, Department of Mechanical Engineering
NSF-Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Project, USC
Observed lecture and laboratory classes for cues and keywords from student interactions with peers and professor. Interviewed and conducted focus groups with students.
Purdue University
2009-2010 Graduate Research Assistant, School of Engineering Education, NSF Funded Research
Constructed, validated, and implemented interview protocols with regards to design thinking and how students, professors, and industry persons learn, retain, and apply knowledge.
Teaching Experience
University of South Carolina
Sp 2012 Instructor, Manufacturing Processes, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Introduced manufacturing process understanding by creating lec...
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