
Yauco, PR

Position Desired

Project Engineering
Dania Beach, FL


A Structural Engineering related full time job to acquire experience in the industry. Respected leader, able to build highly motivated teams focused on achieving revenue goals. Keep up-to-date with changes in the industry through continuing professional development.

Master Science in Structural Engineering - In Progress
GPA: 3.75/4.00 Graduating on December 2013
Thesis: Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Wavelet Based Damage Detection Methodologies for Civil Infrastructure
Advisor: Luis A. Montejo, Ph.D
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus

Bachelor Science in Civil Engineering, May 2011
Magna Cum Laude - GPA: 3.77/4.00
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus

•Fundamental of Engineering Passing Score (EIT)
•Very fluent using structural engineering principles, physics and mathematics, ability to learn very quickly and to teach others. Fluency using Word and Excel applications, MATLAB and design software like SAP 2000, ETABS and AutoCAD, very creative when innovation is needed, able to work in teams and suitable to work under pressure.

Professional Experiences
June 2011-August 2011 UPRM - U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Summer Research Internship Program- The Influence of Shaped-Charge Precursor Crater Damage in a Concrete Wall on Performance of a Follow through Penetrator. Vicksburg, Mississippi
Research Mentor: Amie Burroughs
•The purpose of this research was to performing analytical modeling and analysis to determine the optimum projectile dimensions for penetration performance of a projectile impacting into a crater damage concrete wall.

August 2010-May 2011 Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Analysis of Saturation Flow Rates at signalized intersections in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Research Mentor: Didier Valdés
•Study of discharge rates at signalized intersections in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Analysis of Saturation Flow Rates that can be used with the Critical Analysis Method (CMA) and other methodologies to determine various parameters of signal programming consistent with the realities of the local environment.
•Presented a research poster in Transportation Research Board- 90th Annual Meeting in January 2011 at Washington, DC.

June 2010-August 2010 UPRM - U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Summer Research Internship Program- Airfield Matting Full-Scale Evaluation Vicksburg, Mississippi
Research Mentor: Timothy Rushing, PE
•The purpose of this research was to evaluate the load-response behavior of Trackway Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) airfield matting systems under simulated aircraft traffic.
•This information was used to evaluate the RRR matting as alternatives to AM2 matting.

January 2010-December 2010 Transportation Technology Transfer Center Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Director: Dr. Benjamin...

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