
Tampa, FL

Position Desired

Computer Engineering
Anywhere in FL


Computer Engineer

To use my creative problem solving skills and multi-disciplinary background to build compelling programming solutions. With my track record of learning and teaching, I value teamwork that creates products aligned with the company mission.

Programming Languages
C++, Java, ActionScript, PHP, Python, HSpice, Verilog

CEO, Corporate Web Pros Web Developer/ Programmer: FL 2009 - Present
Use cutting-edge intuitive GUI design and data handling to create clean, efficient, and secure web solutions for our clients. www.CorporateWebPros.com

Data upload for Storkpride.com
Flash animation for GoodwinBio.com
Photoshop work for YourInsurancePros.com

New websites for:
www.BoscoElectric.com , www.CustomWristCandy.com , www.ContemporaryComputer.com , www.AJewishDJ.com , www.CorporateHoldingsInc.com , www.USFbookExchange.com, www.FamilyToner.net, www.VP-Assocites.com

Related Experience
Designed and implemented a multi-sensory education programs in chemistry, biology, physics, marine, and computer sciences, utilizing molecular models, PowerPoint presentations, interactive Flash animations & Java programs, 3-D animation and hands-on modeling. Motivated students to analyze and solve problems, while working either individually or as part of a team.  Additionally, created a unit of study entailing the use of computer programming via Dr. Java, Pico Crickets, Alice, and Scratch.

April 2012 – Present Computer science mentor
Computer Mentors Group: Tampa, FL
Helped students develop Flash-based websites with ActionScript, as an avenue to learn advanced coding techniques.

August 2011 – Present Senior Computer Science student
University of South Florida: Tampa, FL

August 2010 - May 2011 Chemistry Teacher
Grades 9-12 Boyd Anderson High School: Lauderdale Lakes, FL

Summer 2008 & 2009 Computer Science Teacher
Grades 7-12 Georgia Institute of Technology: Atlanta, GA
Designed and taught computer science short courses involving graphics and robotics programming. Programs and robots taught include: MindStorms, Lego NXT, Jython, Alice, Scratch, Pico Blocks, and Pico Crickets.

October 2007 - May 2009 Physical Science and Computer Science Teacher
Grade 8 Paul D. West Middle School: Atlanta, GA

August 2005 - May 2006 Science Teacher (Marine, Environmental, and Biology)
Grades 8-12 Manatee School for the Arts: Bradenton, FL

November 2004 – July 2005 Science Teacher
Grades 9-12 Eckerd Youth Development Center: Okeechobee, FL

Technology Skills
Cadence Virtuoso
Xilinx ISE
Flash MX
Dr. Java
Digital Performer

Beginning Programming in Java Georgia Institute of Technology 2008
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry University of South Florida  
Bachelor of Science in Biology University of South Florida  

Pursuing B.S. in Computer Science University of South Florida
Programming Concepts (Java) A+
Created a Nim Game with a GUI using Java Swing. Created a class to manipulate numbers with hundreds of digits.

Program Design (C) A+

Object Oriented Design (C++) A+
Created a templated database progra...

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