Master Degree: Optoelectronic and Quantum Electronics Engineering
Work Experience
SELEX ES, Washington, DC
Key Account Manager & Technical and Management Liaison Director Jan 2013 – Present
- Technical assessments and gap analysis of radar sensors and systems
- Technical assessment and gap analysis of the overseas radar (maritime Vessel traffic service radar, Air Traffic Control radar, Primary and IFF Radar, Naval Combat Management Systems, etc), communications, command and control for armed forces and navy, Cybersecurity, satellite navigation systems, homeland security and photonic--based systems which production can be moved in USA
- Export Control/ITAR assessments (USA/EU/Italy)
- Coordination of overseas and US technical teams of radar and defense products experts
- Coordinate commercial bids with the Italian corporate company, prepare the technical proposal and commercial offer, definition of the pricing strategy, market assessment vs competitive products
- Definition of US Navy & FMS pursuit plans
- Finalization of industrial alliances with US Defense Primes
- Technical and costs assessments to evaluate the Us companies radar products and other systems for non US market
- Participation at US public forum(AFCEA, RTCA, FAA Panels, DHS, FEMA, etc) for providing technical assessment and other consulting services to US companies about radar, Cybersecurity and homeland security products
- Managing and supervision either the implementation and Operations involving Italy-USA joint projects
- Coordinate International Technical teams where a potential Transfer of Technology could be envisioned
SELEX Sistemi Integrati Spa, Washington, DC 2009-2012
Director of Washington DC Operations & USA-Italy Industry Liaison
- Technical coordination of the Italy-USA Radar Intra-company Transfer of Technology; achievements: manufacturing of the Secondary Surveillance Radar/IFF being transferred from Italy to US; transferred the Naval Combat Management system manufacturing (either software and hardware) from Italy to USA
- Looked after the radar installation at the FAA Technical Center
- Managed the penetration in the USA market of the US subsidiary and strengthen the positioning getting a growth from
+5% to +60% of market share in USA domestic market
- Assisted US CEO with company reorganizations, including realignment of divisions, flattening of management structure, and development and implementation of new position descriptions company-wide.
- Export Control/ITAR assessments (USA/EU/Italy)
- Managed Engineering USA and Italian teams for Radar technology transfer
- Liaison Director US-Italy with the US Special Operations and US Army PM and Engineer Corps
- Identifying and definition with US CEO the commercial and product strategies to penetrate in the USA market
- Identification and execution of Products management roadmaps with the Strategic and Product Planning directed by the mother company
- Liaison with the Italian top management to decide and plan the internal investments plans directed to strengthen the US
SELEX Sistemi Integrati Spa Rome, Italy
Head of Product Planning and Strategy 2009-2006
- Definition of the products strategy and deployment plans to allow a high competitiveness of the existing products and technical and market assessments to evaluate the creation of new products
- Analysis and deployment of the internal investment plans for the commercial products management
- Analysis of the investment plan and of the non-recurring costs, optimization of the investment plans
- Analysis and identification/assessment of the market forecast and models
- PM and Technical head in Galileo PRS project (PRESAGO), National expert for Galileo PRS
Head of Foreign Subsidiaries 2004-2006
- Coordination of Germany, UK and US company subsidiaries (business reviews, budget control, etc)
- Handled the products management for the mother company in tight coordination with the subsidiaries VP Engineering
- Managed the annual contributions to the Strategic Plan from the foreign subsidiaries
AMS (Alenia Marconi Systems)
Strategy Manager 2000-2004
- Developed advanced algorithms for the accurate market assessment (Defense and Civil Worldwide markets)
- Analysis and supplying of Companies Market reports for the shareholder’s company evaluation (e.g. DRS, Sensis, Navia, etc) for potential acquisition
- Member (active representative) of the transnational UK-Italy Company Strategic Board
- Assisting top managers to identify the commercial and product Company strategies
- Definition and supplying of the Company Strategic Plan directed to the main shareholder, for the Company Commercial
Business Unit
- Monitoring of the Company Product Catalog
- Definition of the Company Product Management (Military and Commercial Products)
Project Manager 1998-2000
- Project Manager of the Satellite Navigation earlier definition of requirements/specifications for the European Satellite
Navigation system: GALILEO (project GALA)
- Definition risks and procedures related to the implementation of the Free Flight in the Mediterranean area (European Project: MFF)
- Participation as active member at Eurocontrol, Eurocae working groups
Alenia Difesa, un’Azienda Finmeccanica
Starting my career as Intern in 1996, I was permanently hired as System Engineer in 1997.
System Engineer 1997-1998
- Identification of the ADS-B system architecture (MEDUP project)
- System Engineer for innovative systems architectures that successively brought several spin-off in terms of new company products, within some advanced R&D European projects: Faraway II, Medup, MFF, Mantea, Aramis
- Analysis, design and implementation of trials deployed in the areas surrounding Rome to validate the Aeronautical data
- Development of new software CSCI for the radar, ADS_B and fused data recording in an operative ATC site (code developed in C language and for Unix platforms)
Intern 1996 (12 Months)
- Within the IV European Commission Framework Programme “Faraway”:
- Definition of requirements, specification and system architecture of the Aeronautical ADS-B system
- Definition of the aeronautical data positioning conversion expressed in earth-centric reference syst...
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