Applied Physicist BS seeking to obtain an entry-level position in the engineering field to enhance my skills gained in my education and internship in a professionally challenging setting.
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
California State University, San Bernardino
Graduation: December 2012
•3.44 GPA
•Honor Roll: Winter 2007 - Winter 2011
-Minor in Mathematics
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Test Flight Engineer Intern
Summer 2012
•Helped communicate and negotiate data and display requirements with the various people associated with test aircraft projects.
•Kept project personnel updated in the latest developments and changes for upcoming flight tests.
•Checked that all of the required systems were fully functional and contained all essential programs for test gathering.
•Assisted in making the test flight’s data available to the project’s associates.
•Aided in generating change requests detailing any required modifications for future flight tests.
•Created and presented a poster detailing internship work and performed Power Point presentation regarding internship.
University of Oklahoma Teaching Assistant
Fall 2013
•Tutored students in class material during office hours.
•Assisted with class lectu...
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