Purpose: To develop robust, scalable, and efficient software solutions in a variety of domains, as part of highly talented, innovative, and dedicated teams.
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Bachelor of the Arts. Sept. 2000–May 2004.
- Physics major: dynamics, electrodynamics, advanced quantum mechanics, optics, statistical mechanics.
- Computer science minor: RDBMS design, developmental robotics, architecture.
Languages: Java (incl. v7), C, C++ (incl. C++11), Perl, Python, PHP, Javascript.
Technologies and tools: UNIX/Linux, SCM (CVS, SVN, Git, ClearCase), object-oriented programming, ORM (JPA2, Hibernate, Tryton, SQL Alchemy), Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, REST, JSON), JEE (EJB3, JPA2, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets, Struts), core Java (incl. Swing), RDBMS/SQL (MySQL, PostgresQL, Oracle), Linux kernel (incl. loadable modules), concurrency/multi-threading, sockets/networking (TCP/UDP/IP/MAC) XML (XSLT, XSD, JAXB, DOM), web design (HTML, CSS), Qt5, STL, Mobile IP, video (incl. MPEG2-TS, RTP), HTTP/WebDAV, SNMP, NumPy/SciPy, Biopython.
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Lawrenceville, NJ. Software Engineer. June 2013-Present.
Wrote Python-based data analysis stack for protein studies. Applied scientific software libraries (incl. NumPy, SciPy, and Biopython) to perform geometric analysis of biological molecule structure. Developed library to facilitate handling data in PDB format, the standard for exchanging biological-molecule structure information. Utilized SQL Alchemy object-persistence framework to store and to retrieve results in Oracle database.
Advocate Tax, Naples, Fl. Software Consultant. Jan 2013-April 2013.
Developed software facilitating exchange of information between law firm and clients. Software was based on Tryton, a modular three-tier framework for GUI management of persisted data, written in Python.
AT&T Labs, Florham Park, NJ. Software Engineer. June 2012-Jan-2013.
Contributed to company’s Global Fraud Management System, designed to automatically detect illegitimate use of the company’s public telephone network. Substantial components of the work employed an innovative internal database framework designed for faster operation than standard SQL systems.
Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ. Software Engineer. 2004-2012.
- Designed, developed, tested, and demonstrated prototype software systems for next-generation features to add value to corporate portfolio of telecommunications equipment. Work required creative problem solving in a variety of platforms and languages, and ability to quickly expert new technologies. Solutions required scalability, robustness, and efficiency.
- Created Web Services SOAP 1.1 application, based on EJB 3.0 and JPA 1.2, with PostreSQL database backend. Objective was to manage the retrieval of video data from video servers based on changing network conditions, optimizing instructions for individual clients, in order to create a platform more dynamic and flexible than standard adaptive streaming solutions.
- Developed robust Swing-based Java GUI and demonstrated platform-independent RPC between server and UI as well as with Python application.
Developed Ethernet driver as a loadable kernel module for an embedded system running Linux.
- Developed Home Agent, a special type of router defined by Mobile IP standard, to allow wireless devices to execute IP applications while moving between wireless networks. Software was built on an internal framework designed to facilitate creation of robust network applications in C++. This project emphasized video delivery and seamless wireless handovers across wireless technologies.
- Wrote network component to perform efficient routing, duplication, and switching of IP packets based on configurable rules. This was implemented as a loadable Linux kernel module that simulated a network device and intercepted packets and injected them into kernel's network stack.
- Applied internal RTP and MPEG2-TS processing library to develop C application able to perform seamless splicing (at transport stream level) of video streams (e.g. to...
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