
San Francisco, CA

Position Desired

Software Engineering
Anywhere in CA; Anywhere in GA; New York, NY; Anywhere in WA


Technical Skills

Strong: Javascript | React | Backbone.js | HTML5 | CSS3 | Node.js | Git | Underscore.js | Express | AngularJS
Experienced: MongoDB | D3.js | mySQL | Ionic | Firebase | AngularFire | CoffeeScript | Jasmine | Chai | Cucumber

Relevant Projects

piTunes | | A social jukebox that enables users to synchronously watch and listen to Youtube.
• Built frontend architecture using React views and Backbone.js models/collections with Bootstrap styling.
• Integrated Youtube’s API to populate media information into the React frontend.
• Configured Socket.IO to provide a synchronous experience for all users.
Classroom | | Professor and student interaction platform.
• Built a jQuery calendar to create/edit/delete/click/drag events, allowing for easy user customization.
• Utilized session storage to pass information in order to merge jQeury, AngularJS, and a MySQL database.
Bobolinks | | A question-and-answer forum between presenters and audiences.
• Engineered authentication for users using Firebase.
• Built navigation interface between many pages, including various CSS and Ionic stylings.

Professional Experience

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